April in the Vegetable Garden
What's going on in the garden this month? April & cool season crops
What's going on in the garden this month? April & cool season crops
Becoming an Ecologically Minded Gardener Series Soil/Food web Properties of Soil Soil and its inhabitants Caring for your soil (maintenance and management) No bare soil
What’s Happening this month? Harvesting Cool Season Plants, Succession Planting (beets and radishes) & Planting Summer Crops Let’s Plant: Cucumbers, pole beans, bush beans, okra, eggplant, peppers, corn, beets, radishes, summer lettuce Let’s Talk Plants: Cucumbers, okra, eggplant, peppers, corn
Extend the Season with Early & Late Bloomers When & How to Use Annuals; Dividing Perennials
Enjoying Herbs in the Garden Series Design & Grow A Kitchen Garden – And Other Ways to Include Herbs In Your Gardens and Landscapes
Becoming an Ecologically Minded Gardener Series Choosing Plants Natives vs. Non-natives Straight species vs cultivars Matching Plant to Place Restoring, creating & maintaining healthy ecosystems Focus on bio functionality Planting in plant communities
What’s Happening this month? Growing & Harvesting Summer Crops, Succession Planting (beets, corn) and Planting Fall Vegetables Let’s Plant: Kale, lettuce, spinach, radish, carrots, beet, corn Let’s Talk Plants: Kale, lettuce, spinach, radish, carrots
Natives For Your Sun Garden Choosing High Value Nectar Plants
Enjoying Herbs in the Garden
What’s Happening this month? Growing & Harvesting Summer Crops, Planting Fall Crops (cauliflower and broccoli), Succession Planting Fall Crops (radishes, leafy greens, peas, beets) Let’s Plant: Cauliflower, broccoli, radish, leafy greens, peas, beets Let’s Talk Plants: Cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, corn