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The Revolutionary Life of Adrienne Lafayette-author talk Kathryn Goodwin Tone

March 1 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Farmington is happy to host the  Lafayette Bicentennial-Louisville American Friends of Lafayette for this installment of their Lafayette Bicentennial Speaker Series.  This event will be held in the Carriage House- the cream building to the left of the museum. 

Hope Is a Duty – The Revolutionary Life of Adrienne Lafayette
By Kathryn Goodwin Tone
Rarely has so young a couple borne such a heavy weight of responsibility.
-Andre Maurois
This presentation by the author will focus on the life of Adrienne Lafayette from her marriage in 1774 to her death in 1807. In three segments – American Revolution, French Revolution and Olmutz/Chateau La Grange – the author will show how Adrienne challenged conventional mores and roles for women. Adrienne’s involvement in her husband’s political life was crucial to the pivotal revolutions of the 18th century. On a personal level, her courage, strength and ingenuity saved Lafayette’s life, their son’s life, and their family’s future in France.
The talk is free and open to the public.  Lunches are available for pre-purchase, Lunches are $16.00.
 Tours of Farmington will be available that day at the standard times, you can book tickets for a tour under booking, or at the Visitor Center.  All Farmington tours leave from the Visitor Center. 


Lafayette Bicentennial-Louisville American Friends of Lafayette


3033 Bardstown Road
Louisville, 40205 United States
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